Books Information

This is for info about current books. Links to most of my books, including antique security books, can be found at Books – links.

Pension Pensées: Confessions of a recovering dataholic

Being mostly the ravings of a former security internaut…

And back from my recent excursion into Facebook security… I make no claim at all to be a cartoonist (let alone any sort of real artist). However, some people seemed to like my cheesy little cartoons (mostly IT-related), idiotic photos, and cheap sarcastic commentary, so I thought that I should start putting some of these ramblings together in the same place.

Pension Pensées: Confessions of a recovering dataholic: being mostly the ravings of a former security internaut. (From Bad to Verse)

Facebook: Sins & Insensitivities

A not-so-antique security book, though you may consider it to have been written by an antique.

VB announces Sins & Insensitivities

Extract from blurb:

“Sadly, while it would be entertaining (for me, but maybe less for you) to write a more academic book tracing the historical aspects and trends in Facebookland, that will have to wait. Here, my primary aim is to provide an overview of Facebook-related issues that will be of more use to the everyday Facebook user than to academics and security mavens. However, the links to articles in the Appendix, covering issues such as the Cambridge Analytica shambles, may be useful to researchers wanting to go deeper into those issues that I haven’t covered in an in-depth article here. (Or even that I have covered, but not in depth!)”

So Sound You Sleep

So Sound You Sleep: My Shropshire Songs and Their Stories (David Harley: Words and Music Book 1) by [David Harley]

So Sound You Sleep: My Shropshire Songs and Their Stories was initially based on the album Tears of Morning, but the book added so much new material that it became an album in its own right.

Tears of Morning links

So Sound You Sleep – More Tears of Morning on Bandcamp Available on various streaming services, but in three volumes.

So Sound You Sleep eBook on Kindle and as paperback on Amazon

This is the first (main) book in a series of books based on the music of David Harley. This one is based on the album ‘Tears of Morning’, which comprises songs and settings of poetry with a sometimes tenuous connection to Shropshire and the Welsh Marches. One such connection is that several (not all) of the poetry settings are from Housman’s ‘A Shropshire Lad’. The book contains a wealth of commentary information on the historical, traditional, musical and/or biographical background to the songs and poems.

An updated version of the album called “So Sound You Sleep – More Tears of Morning” features many more tracks in order to reflect the content of the book.

Another collection of musical settings to verse by other poets will appear in due course.

Initial link on Books2Read.

The Vanes of Shrewsbury

The Vanes of Shrewsbury

The Vanes of Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury Drawings by Eddie Parker.

Available on Kindle.

Amazon paperback. 

eBook links on

Book Description

My uncle Eddie Parker, though he worked in engineering for most of his life, was a talented amateur artist with a keen interest in Shropshire history. After his death, his daughter Eve and I agreed to publish a book featuring his drawings of old Shrewsbury buildings, with historical background and some photographs, where appropriate, of the same sites as they are today.

This is very different to my previous technical books. The historical span of the topics covered ranges from Saxon times to the 21st century, with dramatis personae including saints and kings, poets and playwrights, patriots and rebels. The settings ranging from medieval churches to battlefields, from pubs to castles, from abbeys to museums, from Bronze Age circles to fairs and markets. It even includes short diversions into etymology and blockchain technology.

Introduction to Nashville Tuning for the Guitar

This is a short book on a rather niche alternative technique for stringing and tuning a guitar that may at least interest some of the people who’ve asked me questions about Nashville stringing/tuning when I’ve used it in performance.

It’s available on as an eBook.

It’s available for Kindle here (with embedded audio) and here (no embedded audio).

It’s available as a print book on Amazon here. Hopefully, other sources of paperback are on the way. links here.

Suite in Four Flats (and a Maisonette)

Suite in Four Flats

Suite in Four Flats (and a Maisonette) is a small poetry book originally published in the 1980s. None of the original copies are available.

It has been republished as an eBook on

It’s also available for Kindle.

A load of other links can be found on There’s a link to the print version here. So far it’s only available on Kindle due to its lack of length. Apparently size does matter. 😉

Book description.

This is the first in a series of books covering an awesome number of decades of verse by David Harley. Of course, you may consider that while the decade count is awesome, the content not so much. Oh well. Suite in Four Flats (and a Maisonette) was self-published in the 1980s. This second edition includes some re-engineered verse, a different cover graphic, updated explanatory notes, and a recent biography and bibliography. If nothing else, it provides some relief from the largely outdated security content that still comprises most of his published work, despite recent forays into musical and historical territory.

Hands of the Craftsman

Hands of the Craftsman is a song, an album and a book.

The Song

The song was written for the revue Nice…if you can get it (a revue about work) in the early 1980s. It was included with other songs and verse on the album Hands of the Craftsman, and that album was the basis for the book Hands of the Craftsman, which includes much material that wasn’t included on the original album

The Album

The song and (now expanded) album are available from Bandcamp (my music sales channel of choice). Updating via other channels is a little more complicated, so for the moment only the original album is available through other music retail/streaming services. I’ll probably have to release the expanded version as a separate album, which I can hopefully do in the near future.

The Book

The print edition is at present only available through Amazon, though this is intended to change.

The eBook is  currently available through Kindle, Nook, ScribD and Smashwords and some others: there are links to it on here, and there may be others on the same page in due course. The print edition is also linked there, and there may also be other links there eventually.

Book description

In the early 80s I contributed much of the songs and music (and some other bits and pieces) to a revue called Nice, if you can get it directed by Maggie Ford, which was centred on the world of work. Some of that material appeared more recently on the album Hands of the Craftsman. That album formed the basis of this book: however, it includes much supplementary material. This includes not only historical and anecdotal material, but material that wasn’t included in the revue, and other material that wasn’t originally intended for the revue, but fits the topic. Some of this material has never been published previously in any form.

David Harley